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Instructor's Solution

Text Books Answer key. Free Sample available before purchasing.

Test Item files

Any/all of the questions type: True False, Multiple Choice, Fill-in-the-blank, etc.

This is not the typical eBook of the textbook. This is the test bank / exam bank / test item file used by instructors and teachers to create tests and worksheets. Test Banks usually contains any/all of the question type such as true false, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, etc with their corresponding correct answers. You will actually see word for words on your exams. Authors of the books provide test bank for the instructor to make exam questions.

We provide Free Sample with every Test Bank So, before you purchase please download free sample chapter since rest of the chapters are similar to sample chapter. Students can achieve A+ in the exam having an official test bank from us.

Subject Catalogue


Allied Health, Anatomy & Physiology, Anthropology, Art, Biology & Microbiology, Business, Chemistry, Communication, Communication Sciences & Disorders, Computer Science, Counseling, Criminal Justice, Culinary Hospitality Travel & Tourism, Deaf Studies & Deaf Education, Economics, Engineering, Environmental Science, Geography & Atmospheric Sciences, Geology & Oceanography, Health & Kinesiology, History, Information Technology, Interdisciplinary Studies, Legal Studies & Paralegal, Mathematics, Music, Nursing, Nutrition, Philosophy, Physics & Astronomy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Sociology, Statistics, etc.